On May 15, 2018, the Danish Government issued a National Strategy for Cyber and Information Security, thereby creating a comprehensive plan for Denmark’s cyber defense.
It must ensure that the country can remain safe despite external threats to the digital infrastructure.
The strategy includes requirements for sector strategies in socially critical infrastructure within health, finance, shipping, transport, energy and telecommunications.
Each of these areas are required to form a Decentralized Cyber and Information Security Unit (DCIS) to ensure the exchange of information between the sector and the Center for Cyber Security, as well as the maintenance of risk and vulnerability assessments.
The primary task of Tele-DCIS:
The main task of the telecommunications industry’s Decentralized Cyber and Information Security Unit (Tele-DCIS) is to collect and share information about relevant security issues between the sector’s actors and the Center for Cyber Security.
When a threat hits one company, it can quickly hit others and thus larger parts of the society. A DCIS can, among other things, help to counteract this.
The overall awareness of security across industries may be raised by sharing knowledge and information across companies. More eyes and ears on the specific events and security issues are generated via the Tele-DCIS.
If you have information or security observations related to the telecommunications industry, please contact us.
You can contact Tele-DCIS directly via the contact information below.
Email: dcis@teledcis.dk
Phone: 82 13 08 06 (between 9AM and 4PM)
Email: cert@cert.cfcs.dk
Phone: 33 32 55 80
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